360 Indicators can been used to monitor National, Regional, Operational, Local, Financial, Cumulative, Aggregate and any other type of Indicators you can think of. There are options to define the data to be collated for each indicator such as target, actual and quartile comparators as well as flexible time periods. Multiple indicator types and reporting formats are available to facilitate capture of information and real time reporting. These are optimised to your preferred Performance Management Framework mechanisms.
360 Indicators includes the dashboard that reports the performance of key metrics from each of the System Modules that have been implemented within 360 PMF. The default setting is for MyPMF is display a personalised dashboard of things the user currently signed in to the application is responsible for. You can quickly see a summary of areas that need attention against a RAG status (Red, Amber, Green) and drill down into the detail to take remedial action.
Users can view MyPMF for a Colleague, Report or Manager. This is useful where there is dedicated Performance Resource, cover for holiday periods or the need to review or confirm priorities with a colleague.
MyPMF provides information that is relevant to an Organisational Unit. Directors, Heads of Service, and Programme Managers get a snap shot of the key elements in their areas that are to be tracked and reported against.
And if you need more flexibility, Filter Reports is a configurable reporting engine that allows end users to define reports and export them to Word or Excel for further analysis or in the publishing of finalised reports.